Year Published
This book presents the results of in-depth interviews with the presidents and CEOs of twenty-eight of Canada's public corporations which specialize in the exploration of gold and the development and operation of gold mines. All of the companies are listed on one or more of North America's major stock exchanges. They search for gold and develop gold...
- Author : Michael H. Caldwell
- Language : English
- Date Published : 2005-01-01
- Pages : 403
A Biography of Sweden's Oil and Mineral Enterpreneur...
- Author : Adolf H. Lundin
- Language : English
- Date Published : 2003-01-01
- Pages : 275
The history of man's love affair with a completely useless gem.Diamonds are almost completely useless but prized above all other gems. Historically they have attracted crimes of passion and awful cold-blooded efficiency, have bedazzled the greatest filmstars and the most opulent courts, and provided the incentive for adventure, destruction and gree...
- Author : Matthew Hart
- Language : English
- Date Published : 2002-08-27
- Pages : 288
True Story of Charles Fipke, the mining exploration geologist who discovered diamonds in Canada. Fire Into Ice follows Charles Fipke in his exotic travels through the fast-paced, cutthroat world of mineral exploration - from the jungles of New Guinea to the savannas of South Africa to the rain-forests of the Amazon to the Arctic tundra. This amazin...
- Author : Vermon Frolick
- Language : English
- Date Published : 2002-01-01
- Pages : 354
From the windswept Labrador coast, where the massive nickel deposit was discovered, to the boardrooms of Singapore, Toronto, and Vancouver where the giant poker game for Diamond Fields was played out, the story behind Voisey's Bay has enormous economic significance for Canada and international financial markets. One of the most intriguing elements...
- Author : Jacquie McNish
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1999-10-19
- Pages : 384
Nevada’s Comstock Mining District has been the focus of legend since it first burst into international prominence in the late 1850s, and its principal settlement, Virginia City, endures in the popular mind as the West’s quintessential mining camp. But the authentic history of the Comstock is far more complex and interesting than its col...
- Author : Ronald M. James
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1998-09-01
- Pages : 384
No aspect of Nevada's history has captured so much attention as the heady boomtown days of the Comstock Lode strike in the mid-nineteenth century. The History of the Comstock Lode, first published in 1943, provided mining investors, engineers, and western historians with the first comprehensive, chronological history of mining operations on the Com...
- Author : Grant H. Smith
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1998-07-21
- Pages : 344
For 2 years, BRE-X was the darling of the world's stock markets. Millionaires were created over night; until the scam was uncovered....
- Author : Diane Francis
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1998-03-01
- Pages : 240
Fool's Gold is a hard hitting account of how and why the biggest mining fraud ever perpetrated by a Canadian company was allowed to happen and -- most shockingly -- how it could happen again. Bruce Hutchinson charts the unholy alliance which exists in Canada among penny-stock promoters and investment analysts, and he reveals how the financial instr...
- Author : Brian Hutchinson
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1998-01-01
- Pages : 266
Bre-X: Gold Today, Gone Tomorrow, Anatomy of the Busang Swindle is the story of scoundrels at work. This story of unchecked larceny is laid wide open in this fast-paced presentation of history's biggest gold con. The book is authored by editor Vivian Danielson and geologist James Whyte of The Northern Miner. This sad tale of mining fraud in the ju...
- Author : Vivian Danielson
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1997-11-01
- Pages : 304
As Canada's nine million baby boomers enter middle age, there is a growing aware- ness that a retirement crisis looms on the horizon. Typically, most '40-something' income earners have saved only about five percent of what they will need in their golden years. However, there is a sure-fire cure for this bleak scenario accumulation of wealth. In C...
- Author : Michael H. Caldwell
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1996-01-01
- Pages : 277
WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE VANCOUVER STOCK EXCHANGE"I think the Vancouver Stock Exchange is a great start off Exchange. It is very difficult to raise seed capital anywhere else when you really have nothing only a piece of land or a concept."Wayne McClay, President of AMEX listed Dayton Mining."The VSE has pioneered the raising of venture capital and l...
- Author : Frank Keane
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1996-01-01
- Pages : 400
"Timely corporate history--as exciting and poignant as any good tale of derring-do against great odds by all-too-flawed giants." - Kirkus Reviews With a scholar's precision and a novelist's eye, Stefan Kanfer tells the inside story of De Beers Consolidated Mines - from the nineteenth century diamond rush that transformed Johannes De Beer's humble...
- Author : Stefan Kanfer
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1995-04-30
- Pages : 416
Stephen Roman lived through the heart of the twentieth century like an emperor transplanted from feudal Europe. He ruled his family, his farm, his companies, and his Slovak community with absolute, imperial authority....Roman's deification as an immigrant Horatio Alger who con- verted eight-cent mining stocks into a global empire worth billions, co...
- Author : Paul McKay
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1991-03-01
- Pages : 272
The lure of gold transcends time, empires, monetary theories and fashion. Gold is the quintessential inflation hedge and insurance policy against political and economic turmoil. The Gold Book is a comprehensive guide for every investor, whether your buying a few coins or plunging into the world of gold mining stocks. The Gold Book delves into: 1) t...
- Author : Pierre Lassonde
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1990-01-01
- Pages : 182
A collection of tales of the triumphs and tribulations of the greatest stock promoter in North America. Pezim spent his life sponsoring all kinds of promotions. His triumphs include the discovery of the fabulous Hemlo Gold Camp; The Strachan-Ricinus Gas Field; and the virtual creation of the Vancouver Stock Exchange....
- Author : Frank Keane
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1989-01-01
- Pages : 287
From 1980 onwards, du Plessis was a critic of the Vancouver Stock Exchange whose collaboration with artist Carel Moiseiwitsch, Sideshow: The Howe Street Carnival (self-published / Petarade Press), alleged much of the VSE activity was fraudulent. A previous collaboration between Moiseiwitsch and du Plessis about Howe Street ethics or lack thereof, ...
- Author : Adrian du Plessis
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1988-01-01
- Pages : 88
Jim Pattison likes to refer to himself as a "glorified used-car salesman". Readers of his intriguing autobiography will agree that he's far too modest. This is the man Bob Hope roasted, calling him "a sort of Lee Iacocca with frostbite", and this is the story of how he parlayed a $40,000 loan into a phenomenal international business empire....
- Author : Jim Pattison
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1987-10-01
- Pages : 300
While the remarkable figures in Vancouver's securities community provided the main inspiration for writing this book, their story would be less outstanding perhaps were it not for the Vancouver Stock Exchange, the unique marketplace in which they work. An article about the Vancouver Stock Exchange in a May 1989 issue of Forbes described the ...
- Author : Michael H. Caldwell
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1987-01-01
- Pages : 287
The Vancouver Stock Exchange is the leading venture capital market in the world. Peter Brown, Murray Pezim and Adnan Kashoggi are some of the VSE's biggest players. Ever since its first promoter, Alvo Von Alvensleben, made (and lost) $25 million between 1907 and 1913, the VSE has attracted a notorious collection of schemers and dreamers.The lamb i...
- Author : David Cruise
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1987-01-01
- Pages : 277
Franc Jouben, the chemist-geologist who brought Canada into the Nuclear age, has been one of Canada's great mine hunters - a man of unquenchable curiosity and integrity. This is his story, the frank recollections of a millionaire prospector who tamed the jungles of Bay Street while treasure-hunting the world over - and all the while enjoying life o...
- Author : Franc R Joubin
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1986-01-01
- Pages : 493
Marc Rich -- the most wanted white-collar criminal in America -- was one of the most successful metal traders in the world. Before there was Michael Milken or Ivan Boesky, Rich rose through the ranks to amass a multibillion dollar fortune in the halcyon days of high-flying commodities trading. But he did it by cutting corners and pulling the wool o...
- Author : Craig A. Copetas
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1985-09-25
- Pages : 224
Hemlo. A name that used to mark a little, trackless patch of bush between the Trans-Canada Highway and the Canadian Pacific Railway's transcontinental tracks. If you had asked folks fifty miles down the highway about it, they would not have known what you were talking about. But now they do. Hemlo. They know the name in Johannesburg and Rio, London...
- Author : Matthew Hart
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1985-01-01
- Pages : 176
'The Conquest of Copper Mountain' is the dramatic story of a geologist's dream come true: the discovery and subsequent development of the largest outcrop of base metal in the world. In 1960, Forbes Wilson, in charge of a worldwide mineral exploration program for Freeport Minerals Company, masterminded an overland expedition into the rugged and rem...
- Author : Forbes Wilson
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1981-01-01
- Pages : 243
Spicing his narrative with occasional brief exerpts from the complaint departmentof the Securities Exchange Commission against Texas Gulf Sulfer, Dr. Shuman tells the story step by step. Of equal interest to the Texas Gulf story, however, is Dr. Shuman's account of the wild speculation in worthless "moose pasture" surrounding the Texas Gulf holding...
- Author : Morton Shulman
- Language : English
- Date Published : 1970-01-01
- Pages : 239