Bre-X: Gold Today, Gone Tomorrow, Anatomy of the Busang Swindle is the story of scoundrels at work. This story of unchecked larceny is laid wide open in this fast-paced presentation of history's biggest gold con.
The book is authored by editor Vivian Danielson and geologist James Whyte of The Northern Miner. This sad tale of mining fraud in the jungles of Indonesia lies like an open wound in the body of mineral exploration.
The book chronicles the lives of the major players and the shocking death by bizarre suicide of chief geologist Michael de Guzman. The authors not only knew the principals but visited the remote jungle site of the purported "largest gold mine in the world."
Vivian Danielson
Date PublishedThe Northern Miner
Published by9781552570036
ISBN-23DISCOVERY COMMUNITY | Bre-X: Gold Today, Gone Tomorrow