/C O R R E C T I O N from Source -- RBC Global Asset Management Inc./ /* Style Definitions */ span.prnews_span { font-size:8pt; font-family:"Arial"; color:black; } a.prnews_a { color:blue; } li.prnews_li { font-size:8pt; font-family:"Arial"; color:black; } p.prnews_p { font-size:0.62em; font-family:"Arial"; color:black; margin:0in; } .prngen5{ BORDER-TOP:1pt; BORDER-RIGHT:black 1pt solid; VERTICAL-ALIGN: MIDDLE; BORDER-BOTTOM:black 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT:0.50em; BORDER-LEFT:black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT:0.50em } .prngen6{ BORDER-TOP:1pt; BORDER-RIGHT:black 1pt solid; VERTICAL-ALIGN: MIDDLE; BORDER-BOTTOM:black 1pt solid; TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER; PADDING-LEFT:0.50em; BORDER-LEFT:1pt; PADDING-RIGHT:0.50em } .prngen4{ BORDER-TOP:black 1pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT:black 1pt solid; VERTICAL-ALIGN: MIDDLE; BORDER-BOTTOM:black 1pt solid; TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER; PADDING-LEFT:0.50em; BORDER-LEFT:1pt; PADDING-RIGHT:0.50em } .prnrbrs{ BORDER-RIGHT:black 1pt solid } .prnsbb0{ BORDER-BOTTOM:0pt } .prnpr6{ PADDING-RIGHT:0.50em } .prnsbr0{ BORDER-RIGHT:0pt } .prntac{ TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER } .prnvab{ VERTICAL-ALIGN: BOTTOM } .prnsbls{ BORDER-LEFT:black 1pt solid } .prnvam{ VERTICAL-ALIGN: MIDDLE } .prnsbl0{ BORDER-LEFT:0pt } .prnsbts{ BORDER-TOP:black 1pt solid } .prnsblb0{ BORDER-LEFT:black 0pt } .prnrbrb0{ BORDER-RIGHT:black 0pt } .prnsbt0{ BORDER-TOP:0pt } .prnsbtb0{ BORDER-TOP:black 0pt } .prntblns{ BORDER-TOP: 1pt; BORDER-RIGHT: 1pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1pt; BORDER-LEFT: 1pt } .prnbcc{ BORDER-COLLAPSE: COLLAPSE } .prnsbbs{ BORDER-BOTTOM:black 1pt solid } .prnpl6{ PADDING-LEFT:0.50em } Canada NewsWire In the news release "RBC Global Asset Management Inc. announces RBC ETF cash distributions for June 2021 ", issued 16-Jun-2021 by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. over CNW, we are advised by the company that the cash distribution for RBC U.S. Banks Yield Index ETF (USD Units)* has changed. The complete, corrected release follows: RBC Global Asset Management Inc. announces RBC ETF cash distributions for June 2021 TORONTO , June 16, 2021 /CNW/ - RBC Global Asset Management Inc. ("RBC GAM Inc.") today announced June 2021 cash distributions for unitholders of RBC ETFs, as follows: FUND NAME FUND TICKER CASH DISTRIBUTION PER UNIT RBC 1-5 Year Laddered Canadian Bond ETF RLB $0.040 RBC 1-5 Year Laddered Corporate Bond ETF RBO $0.043 RBC Target 2021 Corporate Bond Index ETF RQI $0.025 RBC Target 2022 Corporate Bond Index ETF RQJ $0.042 RBC Target 2023 Corporate Bond Index ETF RQK $0.055 RBC Target 2024 Corporate Bond Index ETF RQL $0.046 RBC Target 2025 Corporate Bond Index ETF RQN $0.042 RBC Target 2026 Corporate Bond Index ETF RQO $0.040 RBC Target 2027 Corporate Bond Index ETF RQP $0.040 RBC Canadian Discount Bond ETF RCDB $0.022 RBC PH&N Short Term Canadian Bond ETF RPSB $0.022 RBC Short Term U.S. Corporate Bond ETF RUSB $0.041 RBC Short Term U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (USD Units)* RUSB.U $0.034 RBC BlueBay Global Diversified Income (CAD Hedged) ETF RBDI $0.065 RBC Canadian Preferred Share ETF RPF $0.082 RBC Quant Canadian Dividend Leaders ETF RCD $0.062 RBC Quant Canadian Equity Leaders ETF RCE $0.155 RBC Vision Women's Leadership MSCI Canada Index ETF RLDR $0.250 RBC Canadian Bank Yield Index ETF RBNK $0.075 RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders ETF RUD $0.043 RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders ETF (USD Units)* RUD.U $0.036 RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF RUDH $0.028 RBC U.S. Banks Yield Index ETF RUBY $0.030 RBC U.S. Banks Yield Index ETF (USD Units)* RUBY.U $0.025 RBC U.S. Banks Yield (CAD Hedged) Index ETF RUBH $0.024 RBC Quant U.S. Equity Leaders ETF RUE $0.095 RBC Quant U.S. Equity Leaders ETF (USD Units)* RUE.U $0.079 RBC Quant U.S. Equity Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF RUEH $0.075 RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders ETF RPD $0.043 RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders ETF (USD Units)* RPD.U $0.036 RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF RPDH $0.042 RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders ETF RID $0.048 RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders ETF (USD Units)* RID.U $0.040 RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF RIDH $0.038 RBC Quant EAFE Equity Leaders ETF RIE $0.140 RBC Quant EAFE Equity Leaders ETF (USD Units)* RIE.U $0.116 RBC Quant EAFE Equity Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF RIEH $0.110 RBC Quant Emerging Markets Dividend Leaders ETF RXD $0.030 RBC Quant Emerging Markets Dividend Leaders ETF (USD Units)* RXD.U $0.025 RBC Quant Emerging Markets Equity Leaders ETF RXE $0.100 RBC Quant Emerging Markets Equity Leaders ETF (USD Units)* RXE.U $0.083 * Cash distribution per unit ($) amounts are USD for RUSB.U, RUD.U, RUBY.U, RUE.U, RPD.U, RID.U, RIE.U, RXD.U, and RXE.U Unitholders of record on June 23, 2021 will receive distributions payable on June 30, 2021 . For further information regarding RBC ETFs, please visit www.rbcgam.com/etfsolutions . Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in exchange-traded funds ("ETFs"). Please read the applicable prospectus or ETF Facts document before investing. ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. ETF units are bought and sold at market price on a stock exchange and brokerage commissions will reduce returns. RBC ETFs do not seek to return any predetermined amount at maturity. Index returns do not represent RBC ETF returns. RBC ETFs are managed by RBC GAM Inc., a member of the RBC GAM group of companies and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada . About RBC Royal Bank of Canada is a global financial institution with a purpose-driven, principles-led approach to delivering leading performance. Our success comes from the 86,000+ employees who leverage their imaginations and insights to bring our vision, values and strategy to life so we can help our clients thrive and communities prosper. As Canada's biggest bank, and one of the largest in the world based on market capitalization, we have a diversified business model with a focus on innovation and providing exceptional experiences to our 17 million clients in Canada , the U.S. and 27 other countries. Learn more at rbc.com .‎ We are proud to support a broad range of community initiatives through donations, community investments and employee volunteer activities. See how at rbc.com/community-social-impact . About RBC Global Asset Management RBC Global Asset Management (RBC GAM) is the asset management division of Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and includes money managers BlueBay Asset Management and Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management. RBC GAM is a provider of global investment management services and solutions to institutional, high-net-worth and individual investors through separate accounts, pooled funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, exchange-traded funds and specialty investment strategies. The RBC GAM group of companies manage approximately $550 billion in assets and have approximately 1,500 employees located across Canada , the United States , Europe and Asia . SOURCE RBC Global Asset Management Inc. View original content: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/June2021/22/c7278.html Canada NewswireJune 22, 2021 - 7:17 AM PDTNews by QuoteMediawww.quotemedia.com