BMO Global Asset Management Announces Cash Distributions for Certain BMO Exchange Traded Funds and ETF Series /* Style Definitions */ span.prnews_span { font-size:8pt; font-family:"Arial"; color:black; } a.prnews_a { color:blue; } li.prnews_li { font-size:8pt; font-family:"Arial"; color:black; } p.prnews_p { font-size:0.62em; font-family:"Arial"; color:black; margin:0in; } .prngen4{ BORDER-TOP:black 1pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT:black 1pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM:black 1pt solid; TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER; PADDING-LEFT:0.50em; BORDER-LEFT:black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT:0.50em } .prngen6{ BORDER-TOP:black 1pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT:black 1pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM:black 1pt solid; TEXT-ALIGN: RIGHT; PADDING-LEFT:0.50em; BORDER-LEFT:black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT:0.50em } .prngen5{ BORDER-TOP:black 1pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT:black 1pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM:black 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT:0.50em; BORDER-LEFT:black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT:0.50em } .prnrbrs{ BORDER-RIGHT:black 1pt solid } .prnsbb0{ BORDER-BOTTOM:0pt } .prnpr6{ PADDING-RIGHT:0.50em } .prnsbr0{ BORDER-RIGHT:0pt } .prnvab{ VERTICAL-ALIGN: BOTTOM } .prnsbls{ BORDER-LEFT:black 1pt solid } .prntbls{ BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid } .prnsbl0{ BORDER-LEFT:0pt } .prnsbts{ BORDER-TOP:black 1pt solid } .prnsblb0{ BORDER-LEFT:black 0pt } .prnrbrb0{ BORDER-RIGHT:black 0pt } .prntal{ TEXT-ALIGN: LEFT } .prnsbt0{ BORDER-TOP:0pt } .prnsbtb0{ BORDER-TOP:black 0pt } .prnbcc{ BORDER-COLLAPSE: COLLAPSE } .prnsbbs{ BORDER-BOTTOM:black 1pt solid } .prnpl6{ PADDING-LEFT:0.50em } Canada NewsWire TORONTO , March 22, 2021 /CNW/ - BMO Asset Management Inc. today announced the March 2021 cash distributions for BMO Exchange Traded Funds (BMO ETFs) and ETF Series of the BMO Mutual Funds (ETF Series) that distribute monthly or quarterly. Unitholders of record of the BMO ETFs and ETF Series at the close of business on March 30 th , 2021 will receive cash distributions payable on April 5 th , 2021. Details of the per-unit cash distribution amount are as follows: Monthly Distributions Ticker Cash Distribution per Unit ($) BMO Aggregate Bond Index ETF ZAG 0.040 BMO Discount Bond Index ETF ZDB 0.030 BMO Ultra Short-Term Bond ETF ZST 0.110 BMO Ultra Short-Term US Bond ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZUS.U 0.100 BMO Short Federal Bond Index ETF ZFS 0.022 BMO Mid Federal Bond Index ETF ZFM 0.028 BMO Long Federal Bond Index ETF ZFL 0.043 BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF ZRR 0.032 BMO Short Provincial Bond Index ETF ZPS 0.032 BMO Mid Provincial Bond Index ETF ZMP 0.034 BMO Long Provincial Bond Index ETF ZPL 0.045 BMO Short Corporate Bond Index ETF ZCS 0.035 BMO Mid Corporate Bond Index ETF ZCM 0.046 BMO Long Corporate Bond Index ETF ZLC 0.065 BMO Short-Term US IG Corporate Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZSU 0.035 BMO Mid-Term US IG Corporate Bond Index ETF ZIC 0.058 BMO Mid-Term US IG Corporate Bond Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZIC.U 0.045 BMO Mid-Term US IG Corporate Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZMU 0.045 BMO High Yield US Corporate Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZHY 0.060 BMO High Yield US Corporate Bond Index ETF ZJK 0.090 BMO Floating Rate High Yield ETF ZFH 0.055 BMO Emerging Markets Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZEF 0.055 BMO Laddered Preferred Share Index ETF ZPR 0.045 BMO US Preferred Share Index ETF ZUP 0.110 BMO US Preferred Share Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZUP.U 0.110 BMO US Preferred Share Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZHP 0.110 BMO Monthly Income ETF ZMI 0.055 BMO Canadian High Dividend Covered Call ETF ZWC 0.110 BMO Covered Call Canadian Banks ETF ZWB 0.100 BMO Covered Call US Banks ETF ZWK 0.180 BMO Covered Call Utilities ETF ZWU 0.080 BMO Covered Call Dow Jones Industrial Average Hedged to CAD ETF ZWA 0.100 BMO US High Dividend Covered Call ETF ZWH 0.110 BMO US High Dividend Covered Call ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZWH.U 0.115 BMO US High Dividend Covered Call Hedged to CAD ETF ZWS 0.105 BMO Europe High Dividend Covered Call ETF ZWP 0.100 BMO Europe High Dividend Covered Call Hedged to CAD ETF ZWE 0.110 BMO US Put Write ETF ZPW 0.095 BMO US Put Write ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZPW.U 0.095 BMO US Put Write Hedged to CAD ETF ZPH 0.100 BMO Canadian Dividend ETF ZDV 0.065 BMO US Dividend ETF ZDY 0.075 BMO US Dividend ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZDY.U 0.065 BMO US Dividend Hedged to CAD ETF ZUD 0.060 BMO International Dividend ETF ZDI 0.065 BMO International Dividend Hedged to CAD ETF ZDH 0.070 BMO Equal Weight Banks Index ETF ZEB 0.100 BMO Equal Weight Utilities Index ETF ZUT 0.070 BMO Equal Weight REITs Index ETF ZRE 0.090 BMO Global High Dividend Covered Call ETF ZWG 0.170 BMO Canadian MBS Index ETF ZMBS 0.040 BMO Premium Yield ETF ZPAY 0.160 BMO Premium Yield ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZPAY.U 0.160 BMO Premium Yield ETF (Hedged Units) ZPAY.F 0.160 BMO Covered Call Technology ETF ZWT 0.130 BMO ESG High Yield US Corporate Bond Index ETF ESGH 0.120 BMO ESG High Yield US Corporate Bond Index ETF (Hedged Units) ESGH.F 0.120 BMO High Yield US Corporate Bond Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZJK.U 0.090 Quarterly Distributions Ticker Cash Distribution per Unit ($) BMO Global Infrastructure Index ETF ZGI 0.330 BMO Equal Weight US Banks Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZUB 0.170 BMO Equal Weight US Banks Index ETF ZBK 0.170 BMO Equal Weight Industrials Index ETF ZIN 0.160 BMO Equal Weight Oil & Gas Index ETF ZEO 0.380 BMO MSCI All Country World High Quality Index ETF ZGQ 0.120 BMO MSCI Europe High Quality Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZEQ 0.120 BMO Low Volatility International Equity Hedged to CAD ETF ZLD 0.150 BMO Low Volatility International Equity ETF ZLI 0.160 BMO MSCI EAFE Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZDM 0.150 BMO MSCI EAFE Index ETF ZEA 0.130 BMO Tactical Dividend ETF Fund – ETF Series ZZZD 0.300 BMO MSCI USA Value Index ETF ZVU 0.140 BMO Low Volatility US Equity Hedged to CAD ETF ZLH 0.150 BMO Low Volatility US Equity ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZLU.U 0.160 BMO Low Volatility US Equity ETF ZLU 0.200 BMO MSCI USA High Quality Index ETF ZUQ 0.130 BMO S&P 500 Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZUE 0.180 BMO S&P 500 Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZSP.U 0.140 BMO S&P 500 Index ETF ZSP 0.180 BMO Dow Jones Industrial Average Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZDJ 0.210 BMO MSCI Canada Value Index ETF ZVC 0.150 BMO Low Volatility Canadian Equity ETF ZLB 0.240 BMO S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index ETF ZCN 0.190 BMO Growth ETF ZGRO 0.220 BMO Balanced ETF ZBAL 0.220 BMO Conservative ETF ZCON 0.220 BMO Corporate Bond Index ETF ZCB 0.400 BMO Long-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZTL.U 0.350 BMO Long-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF ZTL 0.350 BMO Mid-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZTM.U 0.260 BMO Mid-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF ZTM 0.260 BMO Short-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZTS.U 0.230 BMO Short-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF ZTS 0.230 BMO Government Bond Index ETF ZGB 0.310 BMO Global Strategic Bond Fund – ETF Series ZGSB 0.300 BMO Global Multi-Sector Bond Fund – ETF Series ZMSB 0.220 BMO Core Plus Bond Fund – ETF Series ZCPB 0.200 BMO Short-Term Bond Index ETF ZSB 0.300 BMO Global Communications Index ETF COMM 0.090 BMO Global Consumer Staples Hedged to CAD Index ETF STPL 0.120 BMO Global Consumer Discretionary Hedged to CAD Index ETF DISC 0.070 BMO ESG Corporate Bond Index ETF ESGB 0.220 BMO ESG US Corporate Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ESGF 0.220 BMO MSCI Canada ESG Leaders Index ETF ESGA 0.250 BMO MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Index ETF ESGE 0.210 BMO MSCI Global ESG Leaders Index ETF ESGG 0.150 BMO MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index ETF ESGY 0.120 BMO Balanced ESG ETF ZESG 0.180 BMO BBB Corporate Bond Index ETF ZBBB 0.240 BMO High Quality Corporate Bond Index ETF ZQB 0.190 BMO S&P US Mid Cap Index ETF ZMID 0.100 BMO S&P US Mid Cap Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZMID.U 0.100 BMO S&P US Mid Cap Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZMID.F 0.100 BMO S&P US Small Cap Index ETF ZSML 0.100 BMO S&P US Small Cap Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZSML.U 0.100 BMO S&P US Small Cap Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZSML.F 0.100 BMO Long-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZTL.F 0.290 BMO MSCI USA High Quality Index ETF (U.S. Dollar Units) ZUQ.U 0.090 BMO MSCI USA High Quality Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZUQ.F 0.090 BMO Short-Term US TIPS Index ETF ZTIP 0.030 BMO