CALGARY, July 29, 2011/CNW/ - Jasper Mining Corporation ("Jasper") (TSX-V:JSP) has started its diamond drill program on its 100% owned Irony property located approximately 94 km northwest of Revelstoke, BC. The property consists of sixteen mineral tenures, comprising a total of approximately 6028 ha (14,895 acres) located at the headwaters of Oliver and Ruddock Creeks. Jasper intends to drill 8 to 12 holes on the Irony property on geophysical anomalies. Irony drilling results will be released when available and are expected in the fall of 2011. A number of the prospective drill locations are only accessible by helicopter and accordingly, weather is an important factor in the Irony drilling program. Visit Jasper's website www.jaspermining.comfor a map of the Irony drilling locations. McFarlane Jasper has been advised that the logging and assaying of the cores from the 93 drill holes on its McFarlane (Mo) property is proceeding as expected. The McFarlane property is located immediately east of Kootenay Lake and immediately west of, and contiguous with, the Lydy property. The property comprises 3058 ha (7,556 acres) located immediately adjacent to, and partially overlapping, the Crawford Bay Stock, a Cretaceous age granitic intrusive. It is 100% owned by Jasper. Jasper's consultant, TerraLogic Exploration Inc. of Cranbrook, has indicated that the last core is presently being split and the samples will be shipped for assaying in the next few days. Jasper is advised that the results of the assaying should be available towards the end of September 2011. Visit Jasper's website www.jaspermining.comfor a map of the McFarlane drill holes. The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Canada NewswireJuly 29, 2011 - 8:06 AM PDTNews by