Updated Dougou extension PFS and production target

Date/time : 2023-01-24 12:00 AM
Symbol :


Company : Kore Potash Plc - Chess Depository Interest
Price : 0.014
Market cap : 47,882,479
O/S : 3,420,177,120
Exchange :


Industry :


Full story

Kore Potash plc, the potash development company with 97%-ownership of the Kola and DX Potash Projects in the Sintoukola Basin, located within the Republic of Congo ("RoC"), is pleased to announce an update of the JORC (2012) compliant Mineral Resource, Ore Reserve, Pre-Feasibility Study ("PFS") information and Production Target at the DX Project.  The updated Mineral Resource incorporates the most recent drilling results and interpretation of the geophysical data. A summary of the results is presented herein....
