Ride along with Daniel Jenks on his cross country California Gold Rush adventure and see what it was really like to be a '49er back in the Gold Rush Days. This amazing collection of Gold Rush journals was buried in the archives until 2021, read by few and never published. It’s a literary treasure chronicling America’s Gold Rush era in astonishing detail, and one of the most riveting first-hand accounts of California Gold Rush history ever discovered.
Writing to an "imaginary confidant” in his journal, Jenks shared his inner-most thoughts with the reader - the dreams and fears that drove him. It’s Wild West Storytelling at its finest! Rich in the color and singular culture of those California gold rush boomtowns, and delivered to us in the Argonaut's own words.
Journey back in time! Explore the sights and sounds of historic gold-mining camps. Follow Jenks as he uncovers the mysteries of the Wild West, learns how to prospect for gold, and comes dangerously close to losing his scalp during the Northern California and Southern Oregon Indian Wars.
From Native Americans to Chinese Gold Rush miners and Vigilance Committees, Jenks wrote of that extraordinary chapter in American history like few others have. And now, for the first time ever, you can finally read Daniel’s long-lost collection of Gold Rush journals for yourself. It’s a must-read for all History Buffs.
Larry Obermesik
Date PublishedLarry Obermesik
Published by1736529927
ISBN-23DISCOVERY COMMUNITY | The Lost Gold Rush Journals