In these absorbing interviews with twelve of the greatest money managers in Canada, Bob Thompson explores the mechanics and psychology behind the key characteristics that make these managers great. How do the country's top stock pickers make millions of dollars in the markets? That's the question Thompson answers in interviews with these money-making superstars. This book highlights the common traits of some of the best money managers in the country. It will help average investors increase their skills by having the money managers, in their own words, explain how their strategies, styles, and success have developed over the years. In this entertaining book, investors will see the insights, personalities, foibles, outlooks, and misgivings of some of the brightest minds in the investment world here in Canada. It will help make investors aware of their own strengths and weaknesses. Learn what it takes to be a great investor!
Bob Thompson
Date PublishedInsomniac Press
Published by1897178670
ISBN-23DISCOVERY COMMUNITY | Stock Market Superstars